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Thursday, September 1, 2011

More about Survivor. . .

I'm finally starting to understand what this story is about or at least what is going on within the story. Turns out that somehow though the first couple of chapters i missed that Tender Branson, the main charter, is a member of the creedish death cult. I'm unsure about how i missed this because its so obvious to anyone who reads this book. This cult is based off off all those people that "drank the kool-aid" which was how it was explained to us when we were younger. Tender was supposed to take his own life when all of the other members did it around the U.S. but was stopped and now has to attend therapy were he is learning to accept his new life, if you can even call it a "new life". So Evey week he meets wit his caseworker and asks how many creedish "survivors" their are left, there are less than 200 left and They think the creedish church leaders are murdering the "survivors" so they can all go to heaven together.So his caseworker is trying to warn him about the "Fake Suicides" that keep happening around the U.S. that are not compared to the Normal suicides that never show any signs of stopping.

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