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Friday, September 23, 2011


(1.) "Where right at the beginning of the end." Tender Branson "Survivor"

(2.) "The good fighters of old first put
    themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then
    waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy."-Sun Tzu "Art Of War"

(3.) "Maneuvering with an army is advantageous;
    with an undisciplined multitude, most dangerous."-Sun Tzu "Art Of War"

I like these because they all make you think in a different way than the average person does. The first one is my faviorte because its short and to the point, but doesnt lack in wisdom. The 3rd one is also simple and very direct also.

Pages This Sem.-552
Pgs(week 5)- 133

Books Read:
  1. Survivor
  2. Redwall

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Class Claims


1. Homesteads winter guard performance, Breakbeats Pulse of the Underground, uses bright energetic performance, aggressive clean movement, intensive strong upbeat dance, and confident clean posture to woo the audience watching. - Outspoken Silence
express [a sense of aggressive romance and intense ghoulishness.]-DolphinCat
The majestic, distinctive color with the deep, wild detail add to the heavy contrast and proud focus of this lion, a dignified and appreciative beast who hunted his prey out of resigned necessity, and for a disgruntled, hungry family.- i need a nap
In this photo it seems that a group friends are marking the end of an era or the start of something new, the arms outstretched are either reaching for something that's gone or welcoming something that is coming. -Blogs with friends

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Solo Claim


Use of Space:
 distinct, motionless, aggressive, precise

 dull, light, clear, poised, clever

Area Of Focus:
 hollow, silent, bitter, impossible

Small Details/Slogan:
distinct, outstanding, inquisitive, powerful, few, sharp



The Movie poster for Thirteen's  use of vibrant wit in the small minuet details of the poster really show the distinct cleverness that this movie brings to the table. The precise use of space and the taunting motionlessness bring rise to a sensationalistic bitterness residing within the poster.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Poem of the month

By David Ferry b. 1924 David Ferry
The sea bit,
As they said it would,
And the hill slid,
As they said it would,
And the poor dead
Nodded agog
The poor head.

O topmost lofty
Tower of Troy,
The poem apparently
Speaks with joy
Of terrible things.
Where is the pleasure
The poetry brings?

Tell if you can,
What does it make?
A city of man
That will not shake,
Or if it shake,
Shake with the splendor
Of the poem’s pleasure.

Currently. . .

(1.) "Then I was an agoraphobic. I was a panic disorder."-Tender Branson "Survivor"

(2.) "There's a gas station going to explode next week."-Tender Branson "Survivor"

(3.) "Where right at the beginning of the end." Tender Branson "Survivor"

My favorite one is probably The first one because of the way he uses the metaphor. it makes him seem philosophical and deep thinking. The 2nd one is really blatant which makes it kind of funny and that all I really have to say about that.

Pages read this week:
200-100 pgs
100 pgs
"Survivor"-Chuck Palahniuk

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Ok short summary to start this off, tender branson, the main chapter of the story is explaining his life story into the flight recorder of flight 2039. He is the now the last surviving member of the creedish death cult, and the plane is cruising to its inevitable fate of crash landing somewhere in the Australian outback. over the last ten years he has been under the close watch of the Federal Survivor Retention Program. this is a program the government has set up to try and keep the last members of the death cult alive, because they all killed themselves in a mass suicide called The Deliverance. this is, according to the creedish death cult, when god calls gives the sign that we should deliver ourselves to heaven though suicide of coarse. he had his number accidentally placed in the paper under "suicide hot line" so he constantly receives these calls of common people with guns to their heads ready to pull the trigger, he always tells them to do it and sadly enough they do. he got one call from a guy named Trevor Hollis who has a long history of suicide in the family and tender tells him to do it, so he does. he is stealing fake flowers at the mausoleum, for the house he takes care of, and he decides to look for Trevor's tomb. He finds it with ease and he hears a woman walking down the hall way, this just happens to be Trevor's sister and she thinks that tender was Trevor's boyfriend. he doesn't tell her the true story though, but after he gets home he receives a call and it happens to be Trevor's sister, Fertility Hollis, she says that she is going to kill herself but tender talks her out of it. she tell him about the "Guy" she met at the mausoleum and how weird he was. tender talks her into taking he out on a date, so she does. after this date she calls the hot line again this time just to talk to tender, except she doesn't know that she is talking to him. she says how weird he is and keeps insulting him. he talks her into another date where she tells tender about how her brother had these dreams about future disasters and how the would show up to the places where the disasters happened, just to watch them. she starts to like tender more and more, they go to a department store and a huge fire starts they almost are engulfed by flames when they halt Right before them. Fertility tells him that she saw that in one of her dreams just like her brother did. tender makes a calender of when all of  the disasters are going to happen. tender is also dealing with the Media following him around because he is the last survivor of the death cult in the world. And i haven't read past that....     

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back to the book...

I left off last time talking about the murders that were happening within the few creedish Church members that still alive. I've got to the part where tender is now one of the last 5 surviving Creedish Church members in the U.S. his caseworker has giving up on him, after a long ten years of trying to change him. Well that's my update for today....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Friday Post

This is all about the personality test I took on Friday two weeks ago. I got ENFP Which means that i"m an idealist and they also call it A "champion" witch i"m far from. The sweet thing about that is only 3% of the world population obtains this result which makes me feel great about myself. The strangest thing about all of the stuff they said i was that its all true. Normally there is a couple parts to personality tests that make them More generalized, but that aspect did not appear in this explanation of the personality type. I really like this test i feel almost like its very accurate, but i would have to see others take it too. Only then I can see if this test actually is accurate.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Books I've read this week:
Art of war-Sun Tzu

Pages: 108 pages this week
Pages this semester: 311+108= 419

Favorite sentences:
(1.)"one would hoodwink the enemy with disalution"-Sun Tzu "Art of War"

(2.)"Maneuvering with an army is advantageous;
    with an undisciplined multitude, most dangerous."-"Art Of War"

(3.)"You eat sorbert by licking it out of the bowl, Dog-dish fashion." -Survivor

My number one faviorte secntance is Number 1 because I just loved the word "Hoodwinked".
Number 3 is just funny to think about and Number 2 is cool for useing such long words.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

More about Survivor. . .

I'm finally starting to understand what this story is about or at least what is going on within the story. Turns out that somehow though the first couple of chapters i missed that Tender Branson, the main charter, is a member of the creedish death cult. I'm unsure about how i missed this because its so obvious to anyone who reads this book. This cult is based off off all those people that "drank the kool-aid" which was how it was explained to us when we were younger. Tender was supposed to take his own life when all of the other members did it around the U.S. but was stopped and now has to attend therapy were he is learning to accept his new life, if you can even call it a "new life". So Evey week he meets wit his caseworker and asks how many creedish "survivors" their are left, there are less than 200 left and They think the creedish church leaders are murdering the "survivors" so they can all go to heaven together.So his caseworker is trying to warn him about the "Fake Suicides" that keep happening around the U.S. that are not compared to the Normal suicides that never show any signs of stopping.