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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I said that I was going to talk about the next chapter called maneuvering in my last post, but I decided that I was just going to explain the previous chapters. The most helpful chapter for me so far was the chapter call "weak and strong points". It explains how and what to attack if you have a weak or strong enemy and no matter the size of the enemy's forces. This book almost has to much information to take in. I think I might have to reread the book if I want to understand it fully.
I feel so wise when I'm reading it I defintely feel like a wise chief. And yes that's where got the blogs title. I'm thinking that I'll read "war and peace" next. And I'm going to actually read chapter 6 and hopefully understand it. I'm going to change my goal for book, it was to just read it for class, but now it's going to be concentrating on learning and understanding it. And I think I'll throw a sweet quote in too. This is one of my favorites "He who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven, making it impossible for the enemy to guard against him. This being so, the places that I shall attack are precisely those that the enemy cannot defend...He who is skilled in defense hides in the most secret recesses of the earth, making it impossible for the enemy to estimate his whereabouts. This being so, the places that I shall hold are precisely those that the enemy cannot attack."- sun tzu

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