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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Book...

Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk is one of the strangest books I've started, I'm only on chapter 3, but the book starts with a prologue that is about two ghost hunters/psychics that work for a Realtor. Their job is to investigate houses that are haunted and then wait till the people move out and then resell the house. In chapter one they blatantly ignore the prologue and talk about a journalist. I mean don't get me wrong the journalist is interesting and all, but they totally switched the story line.
The Journalist talks about how everything happens after the fact, every story that is, and how presentation is everything. if you don't present something right you can easily give the wrong first impression.Chapter 2 is more on the journalist and how she had a crappy teacher that taught he a valuable lesson in reporting stories. within the lesson is a baby that choked on an ornament which is kinda strange. You can read it if your interested, but its at your own risk. Chapter 3 is another swap of people this one is unexplained. is starts off with the inner thoughts of somebody who lives in an apartment building with really loud neighbors that they call "sound-oholics". I think their have too much free time if they have to worry about that, to tell you the truth. The guy goes to the store limping for some reason or another and the guy at the cash register hands him a tightly wrapped bag of something and says "that will be a hundred and forty-nine dollars."  This makes me think that he is some sort of druggie, but despite cruel thoughts he gets back to he apartment and walks in complaing about the loud drum beats he can hear though the walls. This part i think is strange, he goes to the bathroom, locks the door and turns off the lights so now he is in pitch black darkness. he sits on the toliet and yanks the bag out and onto the floor and pulls out a miniture building of some sort. he takes it into the kitchen and puts it all together, its turns out to be a house, and by the time he is done its 4 in the morning and the pounding music is gone and all that is left is the claming sound of selience. so on that note he takes off his sock and puts the freshly made house on the ground. without second guessing he stomps away at the house, no matter how bad it hurts he keeps on stomping. and then the chapter ends. I'll keep reading a tell you maore about it on another day.

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